
Chibitronics & My Favorite Things Collaboration

Hey there, 

today I'm part of the My Favorite Things and Chibitronics collaboration blog hop. 
Over the course of today and yesterday (15th & 16th Feb), please head over to the chibitronics and MFT stamps blogs to start the hop and see all the inspiration.
If you hop along, please remember to leave a like and a comment – and then you can be in with a chance to win a Chibitronics starter kit or a $50 voucher to the MFT stamps store! What are you waiting for!?

Now, let's talk about my project. I saw this idea over at Tiffanys blog and the first time I saw the Somebunny I Love set, it was perfect for my idea. 
I started with stamping and coloring all my images. After coloring I fuzzy cut the images. I started then with stamping my bigger stars and the moon with Versamark ink pad, sprinkled with white embossing powder and heat set it. I stamped all these stars also with white pigment ink on black card stock. Then I stamped the remaining stars on the background and cut out the inner part of the bigger stars. Behind the stars I taped Vellum, so the lights would shine through. 

On the black cardstock I stamped the thinking bubble with white pigment ink and cut it out. Now I can start creating my circuit. It is a parallel circuit with six LEDs. The switch is behind the bunny. 

As Always, the trickiest part is putting the card together. This isn´t really tricky, but I always like to hide the thickness. So I cut out the place where the battery is on my clouds. 

I hope you enjoyed my collaboration project for My Favorite Things and Chibitronics. Please, don't forget to hop and to comment for a chance to win 50$ from MFT and a starter kit from Chibitronics. 

I hope you have a great day!

My Favorite Things Interactive Label*
My Favorite Things Somebunny I love*
Batterie Batterie*
Chibitronics  Cuppertape*
Chibitronics  LED white*
Chibitronics  Starter Kit*
Copic Marker Copic Marker
Fiskars  Schneidebrett
Foam Tape 3M
Folia Bastelskalpell*
Folia Bonefolder*
Folia Papier Schwarz*
Folia Schere*
Folia Vellum*
Incadincado Embossing Bag
Lawn Fawn Puffy Clouds Border Die
Memento Tuxedo Black
My Sweet Petunia MISTI Tool
Neenah Solar White Paper Ultra Heavy
Scotch 3M Tape Glider
Sizzix BigShot
Tim Holtz Blueprint Sketch
Tim Holtz Chipped Saphire
Tim Holtz Ink Blending Tool
Tim Holtz Tonic Trimmer
Tim Holtz Tumbled Glass Ink
Versamark Watermark Ink
WOW Embossing Opaque White Embossing Powder


Lava Land

Hello crafty friends,
today I want to show you this sweet dinosaur and lava land light up card. The images are from Clearly Besotted stamps. From the moment on I saw them, I wanted to create a light up card. Finally, after Christmas and a little stressful time, I managed to do this and it was very enjoying.

As always I've made a video for you. My english isn't the best, so I think it is easier for you to see it.
  • Stempel all images with Memento Tuxedo Black ink and color it with Copic Markers. But you can use the coloring medium that you own at home, so there is no need to buy extra. After coloring I fuzzy cut the images and traced it with a black marker to have finished edges.
  • Stamp the volcanos and fuzzy cut the volcanos with the lava part. After ink blending all my panels I stamped the lava part on vellum using Satz On ink, colored the lava part from the back (!!!) using Copic Markers, fuzzy cut it and glued it behind the volcano.
  • I die cut all my layers I need for my card and ink blend them using my Distress inks. For the sandy and beige parts I've used gathered twigs and antique linen, for the grass I´ve used twisted citron and for my background I've used chipped saphire, wilted violet and picked raspberry. I´ev sprayed the background with Shimmer Spritz and over all my pieces I've splattered some water drops using a paint brush and clear water. I wanted to mimic a volcano explosion.
  • Now it is time to create the circuit. It is hard to explain, so here is a picture from the circuit from the card. It is a parallel circuit and a simple switch. 
  • To finish my card I need to put the card together. In my volcano panel I die cut a circle for the battery, because I like to hide the thickness of my battery. Volcano panel is taped over one layer of foam tape, the middle panel is taped on two layers of foam tape and the last panel is taped with only glue. Here you have to take care, that you don´t tape the switch permanently on the battery, so I only used glue at the left and at the right side. In the middle were no tape.
  • Add all the critters on the card. I glued the stones over the battery and stamped "press" on one of the stones, so the recipient knows what the card can do.
  • I added the sentiment over one volcano, because I didn´t know where to stamp it before. But I wouldn´t recommend this to leave this as the last stepp.

I hope I could inspire you to create an interactive card. In case you need more informations, please watch my video tutorial, as it might could be helpful for you. Stay tuned, next week will be something special going on here ;)

Here are the links for supplies I've used. Some of the links are affiliate links. They provide a little commission in case you buy products using my links with no extra costs for you. Products marked with (*) I generously received from the companies to use. 

Batterie Batterie
Chibitronics  Cuppertape
Chibitronics  Pink, Orange, Green LED*
Copic Marker Copic Marker
Create a Smile Acrylblöcke
Fiskars  Schneidebrett
Foam Tape 3M
Folia Acrylblöcke
Folia Schere
Folia Vellum
Memento Tuxedo Black
Neenah Solar White Paper Ultra Heavy
Scotch 3M Tape Glider
Tim Holtz Tonic Trimmer
Tombow Mono Multi 
Tim Holtz Antique Linen
Tim Holtz Chipped Saphire
Tim Holtz Ink Blending Tool
Tim Holtz Mowed Lawn
Tim Holtz Picked Raspberry
Tim Holtz Wilted Violet


Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag

Hallo ihr Lieben, 

heute bin ich zurück mit einem schnellen und eleganten Projekt. Die Idee ist so nach und nach beim Basteln entstanden und mit dem Ergebnis bin ich sehr zufrieden. 

Ich habe die Blumen vom Beautiful Bouquet Stempel Set mehrfach gestempelt und dabei die Masking Technik verwendet, sodass es aussieht, dass manche Blumen im Vordergrund und andere im Hintergrund sind. Im Anschluss habe ich klares Wasser überall dort verteilt, wo ich auch Farbe später haben wollte. Ich habe mir auf ein Stück Plastik eine Farbpalette mit verschiedenen rosa und rot Tönen erstellt und diese verwendet um die Farbe auf den Rosen aufzutragen. Dabei wollte ich mit Absicht nicht in den Rosen bleiben, sondern auch außerhalb sein. Nach dem trocknen ist es normal, dass die Farben nicht so intensiv sind und genau das wollte ich auch. Ich bin mit meinem Marker also nochmal in die entsprechende Blume gegangen und habe Farbe in den dunkelsten Stellen aufgetragen und mit einem Pinsel verblendet. Zum Schluss habe ich die restliche Farbe benutzt um ein Paar Farbspritzer zu erstellen. Ich habe mal wieder meinen Lieblingsstempel verwendet um den Spruch in Gold zu stempeln und einen zusätzlichen Spruch gab es noch auf schwarzem Papier. Ein paar Pailletten haben mal wieder die Karte abgerundet und fertig ist sie.

Ich hoffe euch hat meine Karte für heute gefallen und wir sehen uns ganz bald wieder. Nicht vergessen- Am 15. Februar ist Crafters Companion wieder auf QVC :)

Here are the links for supplies I've used. Some of the links are affiliate links. They provide a little commission in case you buy products using my links with no extra costs for you. Products marked with (*) I generously received from the companies to use. 

Crafters Companion Beautiful Bloom*
Crafters Companion Neenah Solar White*
Crafters Companion Watercolour Paper*
Crafters Companion Foam Pads*
Ranger Glossy Accents
Ranger Multi Matte Medium
Scotch 3M Tape Glider
Spectrum Noir Aqua Marker
Tim Holtz Tonic Trimmer
Versafine Onyx Black
Versamark Watermark Ink
WOW Embossing Gold Rich super fine
WOW Embossing Opaque White Embossing Powder
Little Things By Lucy Sequins
Sequins Picker Sequins Picker


Welcome Baby

Hallo ihr Lieben,

heute ist ein besonderer Tag. Unsere Designteam Mutti, Katie, hat vor kurzem Nachwuchs erhalten. Natürlich wollten wir als Team für sie etwas besonderes organisieren. Hierzu haben wir extra für die kleine Maus aus Buch angefertigt mit den besonderen Meilensteine für die ersten Lebensmonate. Ich hatte die Seite mit "sitzen". Dazu habe ich die süßen Bären von My Favorite Things verwendet. Aber natürlich nur die kleinen Bären, die sitzen. Denn darum geht es auf meiner Seite. 

Leider reicht bei mir die Zeit im Moment nicht für irgendwas, geschweige denn für einen langen Post. Das ändert sich aber bald hoffentlich auch wieder. Es tut mir unendlich leid. 

@Jeanin https://some-bits-and-pieces.blogspot.de/2018/02/its-a-girl.html
@Vanessa https://vanilljas.blogspot.de/2018/02/welcome-baby.html
@Dunja https://cards-and-more.blogspot.de/2018/02/its-girl-bloghop.html
@Olga https://scrapydebby.blogspot.de/2018/02/blog-hop-its-girl.html
@Kerstin https://kartenwerke.blogspot.de/2018/02/its-girl-blog-hop.html
@Kidmandesign Andrea Kidman https://kidmandesign.blogspot.de/2018/02/its-girl-blog-hop.html
@Sandy https://kreatives-papier.blogspot.de/2018/02/its-girl-bloghop.html
@Ella https://ellabella-kreativ.blogspot.de/2018/02/its-girl-bloghop.html
@Claudia https://colorfulcapricorndays.blogspot.de/2018/02/its-girl-bloghop.html

Copic Marker Copic Marker
Folia Schere
Folia Vellum
Lawn Fawn Puffy Clouds Border Die
Memento Tuxedo Black
My Favorite Things Beary Special Birthday
My Sweet Petunia MISTI Tool
Neenah Solar White Paper Ultra Heavy
Ranger Glossy Accents
Ranger Multi Matte Medium
Scotch 3M Tape Glider
Sizzix BigShot
Spectrum Noir Sparkles Clear Overlay
Tim Holtz Ink Blending Tool
Tim Holtz Picked Raspberry
Tim Holtz Spun Sugar
Tim Holtz Tonic Trimmer
Tim Holtz Worn Lipstick
Little Things By Lucy Sequins
Sequins Picker Sequins Picker